Pure and simple, fresh from the jar. Enjoy the whole goodness of organic peanut butter and oats.
- 3 oz. bar
- Certified Gluten Free
- Made with Organic Ingredients
- 8g Protein
- 6g Fiber
- 390 Calories
- Non-GMO Project Certified
- Made with organic ingredients, this all-natural bar is blended, not baked, to retain the highest level of vital nutrients and preserve taste
- With over 15 whole foods, these 100% vegan bars combine the tantalizing tastes of whole grain, fruits and nuts for a truly unique flavor experience
- PROBAR also requires less hydration to break down than other bars because of the perfect balance of protein and sodium
- Low protein ratio is ideal for lasting endurance; low glycemic-index foods keep insulin spiking to a minimum, preventing fast sugar drops (bonking)
- Bars make an excellent meal replacement option, providing slow, clean-burning energy throughout the day; combine with fruit or a glass of soy milk
- Well-balanced fat content with essential fatty acids, poly- and mono-saturated and unsaturated fats helps curb endless food cravings
- Long shelf life without use of preservatives
- Specifications based on a range of flavors; nutrition facts displayed here and on wrapper may differ; information on wrapper reflects actual contents
- Allergy sufferers need to be aware that PROBAR contains tree nuts and seeds and is packaged on equipment that processes legumes (peanuts)
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