For carrying heavy loads there is nothing like an external frame pack. The Kelty Trekker 65 will carry the gear you need to your high camp.
Heavy loads, long distances require a serious pack. Kelty Trekker 65 External Frame Pack is what you want when you need to haul serious gear. A fully featured pack that will cover your every need. This favorite Pack is based on the original indestructible design with plenty of pockets, resulting in a simple, comfortable, lightweight pack.
Packbag Features: |
Suspension Features: |
Specs: |
Hydration compatible |
Adjustable external suspension |
Number of Pockets: 7 |
Top loading |
Dual density foam waist belt |
Torso Length: 16" - 22" |
Sleeping bag compartment |
Removable waist belt |
Material: 420D Polyester Ball Shadow |
Zippered side pockets |
Load-lifter / Stabilizer straps |
Size: L 29" x W 22.5" x D 13" |
Ice-axe loops |
Scherer Cinch |
Wt: 4 lb. 14 oz. |
Hold-open bar |
Capacity: 3950 cu in. |
- Packbag Features:
- Hydration compatible
- Top loading
- Sleeping bag compartment
- Zippered side pockets
- Ice-axe loops
- Hold-open bar
- Suspension Features:
- Adjustable external suspension
- Dual density foam waistbelt
- Removable waistbelt
- Load-lifter / Stabilizer straps
- Scherer Cinch
- Number of Pockets: 7
- Torso Length: 16" - 22"
- Material: 420D Polyester Ball Shadow
- Size: L 29" x W 22.5" x D 13"
- Weight: 4 lb. 14 oz.
- Capacity: 3950 cu in.
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